Faith, Hope, and Love

Faith keeps our hope alive when it seems like everything is falling apart. Faith can keep us going when we’ve lost our job or didn’t get that promotion we know we are more than qualified for. Faith can get us through when our friendships or relationships end. Faith is what many of us are holding on to during this quarantine.

I’m here to tell you sis, hold on to your faith, hope, and your love. We have all heard “faith without works is dead.” We must believe this. If you lost a job during quarantine, you may have just enough faith to believe that your new job is coming. But you have to apply for that job! You can hope to get your ex back after a break up, but time will continue to pass by no matter how much you hope to repair the relationship.

Here are 6 ways to keep your faith during these times:

1.       Pray-Ask God, the universe, whatever your Higher Power is to give you the strength during these difficult times.

2.      Be generous and kind to others- This time is more important than ever to be kind to others. We all need it. Extend grace and kindness to others during this time, and especially yourself.

3.      Get inspired- Think about what inspires you. Is it learning something new? Creating your vision board for the new year? Changing your environment? Getting immersed in nature? The next time, you’re feeling uninspired, try one of these things!

4.      Who’s in your circle? Our habits determine the people we become. We become more like the closest five people we hang with. Want to be more successful? Surround yourself around successful people. Want to become more confident? Surround yourself around confident people. Want to become more happy? Surround yourself around happy people. John Rohn said it best, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” You get my point, so check your circle sis and remove those toxic people!

5.     The power of a morning routine- People typically start the day in reaction mode. Take 10 minutes to plan your day proactively. You will be productive and get more done, compared to going into the day and trying to figure it out. We are done wasting time because every moment is valuable. Hal Elrod wrote the Miracle Morning and he developed the SAVERS acronym to increase productivity, set our intentions for the day, and feeling more energized along the way! Here are some ways to increase your productivity and set your intentions for the day.






S-Scribe (journaling)

6.     An attitude of gratitude- An attitude of gratitude means making it a habit to express thankfulness and appreciation for ALL parts of life, on a regular basis. This helps us to appreciate the big and small things. An attitude of gratitude makes one happier and has a ripple effect. Go back to #4 sis. Lastly, when you have an attitude of gratitude, you almost never have bad days. All days won’t be great, but you’re more likely to always find something to be grateful despite those not so good days.

So let’s practice some faith, hope, and love today!

Love & Light,


Success Is Possible RIGHT Now!


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