The Top 5 Ways to Enjoy the Holiday as a LeadHER

So you’ve been trying to balance it all, including self care during the pandemic for a while now. You see others do it. And it seems like everyone makes it look so easy.

But for some reason, you may struggle with. Every time you get close to or practice self care, something happens and you end up back where you started.

Not this time……

Because this time you’re going to be armed with the same tips, tricks and secrets that LeadHERS know. So give these tips a try and see if they don’t work for you too…

 Let’s use the SANTA approach (how fitting for the holidays right?)

Tip 1: SIMPLIFY. Decorations and gifts don’t HAVE to be elaborate and perfect. Pick 3 things you can go without during the holiday season. This way you can focus on what matters. YOU and family.

 Tip 2: ASK FOR HELP. Avoid trying to do it all yourself! Get the support of your family, friends, and even your kids in Christmas preparation. Let go of the perfection complex and just enjoy the result of what you’re trying to do. If it’s the hugs, smiles, and thank you’s….guess what? That’s more than enough.

 Tip 3: NUMBER the commitments. Be sure to be mindful of the commitments you agree to during this time. Remember to pace yourself. The less, the better so you can take care of you!

 Tip 4: TAKE time. Don’t move so fast. Slow down to take time to enjoy the holiday season. We often get so busy that we don’t get to enjoy the moment.

  • Bonus Tip: Set a goal each day to set aside a few minutes to sit in silence and take in the beauty of the season.

Tip 5: ADD meaning through service. Do find a way to give through service this season.

  • Example: Consider making cookies for your family, friends, sistah friends, or colleagues and dropping them off…kinda like a Secret Santa.

In summary: Enjoying the Christmas season is actually fairly simple when you apply the above 5 tips. So let me leave you with one last tip…

Take time to reset and commit to not working as much as possible (oooh chile is hard!). This year has been rough for us all, so we need a reset and some good vibes with the ones we love.

Take action right now, even if you don’t feel ready…

So get to it – you’re going to be glad you did!


Love & Light,


The Power of Accountability


Success Is Possible RIGHT Now!