The Power of Accountability

Let’s talk about accountability partners. These are the people who are rooting for you, your success, and are helping your achieve your goals along the way. They check in on you and make sure we are doing the things we said we would do. We need accountability because they can push us when we can’t push ourselves and when we simply don’t feel like it. They can give us the words and encouragement to keep pushing. This is important to us as LeadHERS because there is power in partnership.

 But let’s also talk about the accountability in YOU…we can’t forget about her! I used to always tell my clients that we have to learn to be our own best friend and this is your reminder to make sure you are doing that. As LeadHERS, we spend so much time pouring into others that we don’t take the time to pour into ourselves. You are the most important factor here sis! While we are busy securing our seats at the table, we must make sure we are accountable to our own goals and visions. No one know your goals, dreams, and visions better than you!

Here are some ways to be your own best accountability partner:

1.       What’s your WHY?- It is important to ask and remind yourself of your why. When you initially created that goal for yourself, what was your hope for your future self? Why did you want to start that business or podcast, go back to school, or go after that promotion? A great way to remember your WHY is to write it down somewhere and post it where you can read it daily as a reminder.

2.       Check in on YOU-What do I mean by that? You are out here committing to working on goals and it’s important to check in with yourself to monitor your progress? There will be many days where you will motivated and then there are times where days and weeks will go by and nothing (I have been there too many times!).  Are there any fears or limited fears that are holding you back from reaching those goals? Do you need to be more organized or develop a consistent schedule to get back on track? Well go ahead and do what you need to do so that you can continue to work on achieving all those goals. One thing about LeadHERS, we don’t give up….we adjust or pivot.

3.       Have an attitude of gratitude-This is so important as a LeadHER. Having an attitude of gratitude means that you make it a habit to practice thankfulness in life for all things, both big and small.  Remember, “If you concentrate on what you have, you'll always have more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never have enough."

4.       We either WIN or LEARN, we don’t lose-Maybe you didn’t get the interview for the job you wanted or starting that business has gotten delayed….but guess what? That is okay. There are lessons in all of our experiences. What would your accountability partner tell you? They would say keep going and don’t quit! They would probably say to examine what went ell and what could have been better for next time.  So go ahead and tell yourself the same thing. The last thing they might say it to celebrate and reward yourself along the way. You work hard and you deserve it!

Love & Light,



Happy Women’s History Month!


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